Simultaneous Inference of Multiple Binary Endpoints in Biomedical Research: Small Sample Properties of Multiple Marginal Models and a Resampling Approach


Budig Sören1ORCID,Jung Klaus2ORCID,Hasler Mario3ORCID,Schaarschmidt Frank1


1. Department of Biostatistics Institute of Cell Biology and Biophysics Leibniz University Hannover Hannover Germany

2. Institute for Animal Breeding and Genetics University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover Hannover Germany

3. Lehrfach Variationsstatistik Christian‐Albrechts‐University of Kiel Kiel Germany


ABSTRACTIn biomedical research, the simultaneous inference of multiple binary endpoints may be of interest. In such cases, an appropriate multiplicity adjustment is required that controls the family‐wise error rate, which represents the probability of making incorrect test decisions. In this paper, we investigate two approaches that perform single‐step ‐value adjustments that also take into account the possible correlation between endpoints. A rather novel and flexible approach known as multiple marginal models is considered, which is based on stacking of the parameter estimates of the marginal models and deriving their joint asymptotic distribution. We also investigate a nonparametric vector‐based resampling approach, and we compare both approaches with the Bonferroni method by examining the family‐wise error rate and power for different parameter settings, including low proportions and small sample sizes. The results show that the resampling‐based approach consistently outperforms the other methods in terms of power, while still controlling the family‐wise error rate. The multiple marginal models approach, on the other hand, shows a more conservative behavior. However, it offers more versatility in application, allowing for more complex models or straightforward computation of simultaneous confidence intervals. The practical application of the methods is demonstrated using a toxicological dataset from the National Toxicology Program.









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