1. Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture Ankara University Ankara Turkey
2. Plant Protection Department, Faculty of Agriculture Şırnak University İdil Turkey
3. Republic of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Directorate of Plant Protection Central Research Institute Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Ankara Turkey
4. Department of Plant Protection, Agriculture and Natural Science Faculty Bilecik Seyh Edebali University Bilecik Turkey
5. BASF Department of Agricultural Products Antalya Turkey
6. Department of Plant and Animal Production Antalya Akev University Antalya Turkey
7. Institute of Agri‐Food and Life Sciences Hellenic Mediterranean University Research Centre Heraklion Greece
8. Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Foundation for Research and Technology‐Hellas Heraklion Greece
9. Pesticide Science Laboratory, Department of Crop Science Agricultural University of Athens Athens Greece