1. Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, Department of Health and Human ServicesNational Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health Bethesda MD
2. Cancer Registry of Norway Oslo Norway
3. Department of Medicine, Division of Clinical EpidemiologyKarolinska Institutet Stockholm Sweden
4. Division of Mental and Physical HealthNorwegian Institute of Public Health Bergen Norway
5. Department of Global Public Health and Primary CareUniversity of Bergen Bergen Norway
6. Information Services DepartmentNational Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) Helsinki Finland
7. Department of NeurobiologyCare Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institute Stockholm Sweden
8. Department of ImmunologyGenetics and Pathology, Uppsala University Uppsala Sweden
9. Cancer Society of Finland, Finnish Cancer Registry Helsinki Finland
10. Department of PediatricsUniversity of Helsinki and Helsinki University Hospital Helsinki Finland
11. Department of Clinical EpidemiologyAarhus University Hospital Aarhus Denmark