How to prepare a power system for 15% wind energy penetration: the Portuguese case study


Estanqueiro Ana,Castro Rui,Flores Pedro,Ricardo João,Pinto Medeiros,Rodrigues Reis,Lopes J. Peças




Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment

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1. Synthetic wind speed time series generation by dynamic factor model;Renewable Energy;2024-07

2. Modelling Wind Power Generation in Probabilistic Power Systems Analysis: A Case Study with Non-Gaussian Correlated Random Variables;2024 18th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems (PMAPS);2024-06-24

3. Analysis of Converter Topologies for Wind Energy Conversion Systems;2022 International Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence and Computing (ICAAIC);2022-05-09

4. Technical Impacts of High Penetration Levels of Wind Power on Power System Stability;Advances in Energy Systems;2019-02-08

5. Hydropower Flexibility for Power Systems with Variable Renewable Energy Sources;Advances in Energy Systems;2019-02-08







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