1. Shaanxi Institute of Flexible Electronics (SIFE); Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU); Xi'an 710129 China
2. Division of Physics and Applied Physics; School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences; Nanyang Technological University; Singapore 637371 Singapore
3. Key Laboratory of Micro and Nano Photonic Structures (MOE); Department of Optical Science and Engineering; Fudan University; Shanghai 200433 China
4. State Key Laboratory of ASIC and System; School of Information Science and Technology; Fudan University; Shanghai 200433 China
5. Key Laboratory of RF Circuits and System of Ministry of Education; Hangzhou Dianzi University; Hangzhou 310018 China
6. School of Materials Science and Engineering; Nanyang Technological University; Singapore 639798 Singapore
7. Key Laboratory of Chemical Lasers; Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Dalian 116023 China
8. Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology and Engineering; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Ningbo 315201 China
9. Key Laboratory of Flexible Electronics (KLOFE) & Institute of Advanced Materials (IAM); Nanjing Tech University (NanjingTech); Nanjing 211800 China