1. Presidential Objection 07/19/2017 DAPR.Presidential objection to bill 082 of 2015 chamber 123 of 2016 senate through which the guidelines are established for the development of public policy for the prevention of infertility and its treatment within the parameters of reproductive health.https://vlex.com.co/vid/objecion‐presidencial‐proyecto‐ley‐688850405
2. InColombia there are several benefit plans defined by current legislation: 1. Health expenditure per capita (per person per year). 2. Emergency care and traffic accidents 3. Public Health Plan for Collective Interventions and 4. Complementary plan. In this article we will emphasize the first of these plans.https://www.minsalud.gov.co/sites/rid/Lists/BibliotecaDigital/RIDE/VP/RBC/todo‐lo‐que‐usted‐debe‐saber‐sobre‐el‐plan‐de‐beneficios.pdf
3. The objective of the General System of Social Security in Health is to regulate the essential public health service and create access conditions for the entire resident population of the country.https://www.minsalud.gov.co/proteccionsocial/Regimensubsidiado/Paginas/aseguramiento‐al‐sistema‐general‐salud.aspx
4. Congress of the Republic of Colombia(2019) [Law 1953 of 2019].