1. U.S. Geological Survey Florence Bascom Geoscience Center Reston VA USA
2. Department of Anthropology Stanford University Stanford CA USA
3. School of Archaeology and Ancient History University of Leicester Leicester UK
4. Department of Geography and Environmental Systems, University of Maryland Baltimore County Baltimore MD USA
5. Department of Geological Sciences California State University Long Beach CA USA
6. Scott Polar Research Institute University of Cambridge Cambridge UK
7. Climate Change Institute and School of Biology and Ecology University of Maine Orono ME USA
8. Department of Geography University College London London UK
9. Natural History Museum of Denmark University of Copenhagen København K Denmark
10. Department of Earth and Environment Franklin and Marshall College Lancaster PA USA
11. Department of Environmental Sciences University of Virginia Charlottesville VA USA
12. Department of Geography and Earth Sciences Aberystwyth University Aberystwyth Wales UK
13. Faculty of Humanities and Performing Arts University of Wales Trinity Saint David Lampeter Wales UK