1. Institute for Medical Physics and Radiation Protection University of Applied Sciences Giessen Giessen Germany
2. Department of Radiotherapy and Radiation Oncology University Medical Center Giessen and Marburg Marburg Germany
3. Marburg Ionbeam Therapy Center (MIT) Marburg Germany
4. German National Metrology Institute (PTB) Braunschweig Germany
5. Sun Nuclear A Mirion Medical Company Melbourne Florida USA
AbstractBackgroundThe integration of magnetic resonance tomography into clinical linear accelerators provides high‐contrast, real‐time imaging during treatment and facilitates online‐adaptive workflows in radiation therapy treatments. The associated magnetic field also bends the trajectories of charged particles via the Lorentz force, which may alter the dose distribution in a patient or a phantom and affects the dose response of dosimetry detectors.PurposeTo perform an experimental and Monte Carlo‐based determination of correction factors , which correct the response of ion chambers in the presence of external magnetic fields in high‐energy photon fields.MethodsThe response variation of two different types of ion chambers (Sun Nuclear SNC125c and SNC600c) in strong external magnetic fields was investigated experimentally and by Monte Carlo simulations. The experimental data were acquired at the German National Metrology Institute, PTB, using a clinical linear accelerator with a nominal photon energy of 6 MV and an external electromagnet capable of generating magnetic flux densities of up to 1.5 T in opposite directions. The Monte Carlo simulation geometries corresponded to the experimental setup and additionally to the reference conditions of IAEA TRS‐398. For the latter, the Monte Carlo simulations were performed with two different photon spectra: the 6 MV spectrum of the linear accelerator used for the experimental data acquisition and a 7 MV spectrum of a commercial MRI‐linear accelerator. In each simulation geometry, three different orientations of the external magnetic field, the beam direction and the chamber orientation were investigated.ResultsGood agreement was achieved between Monte Carlo simulations and measurements with the SNC125c and SNC600c ionization chambers, with a mean deviation of 0.3% and 0.6%, respectively. The magnitude of the correction factor strongly depends on the chamber volume and on the orientation of the chamber axis relative to the external magnetic field and the beam directions. It is greater for the SNC600c chamber with a volume of 0.6 cm3 than for the SNC125c chamber with a volume of 0.1 cm3. When the magnetic field direction and the chamber axis coincide, and they are perpendicular to the beam direction, the ion chambers exhibit a calculated overresponse of less than 0.7(6)% (SNC600c) and 0.3(4)% (SNC125c) at 1.5 T and less than 0.3(0)% (SNC600c) and 0.1(3)% (SNC125c) for 0.35 T for nominal beam energies of 6 MV and 7 MV. This chamber orientation should be preferred, as may increase significantly in other chamber orientations. Due to the special geometry of the guard ring, no dead‐volume effects have been observed in any orientation studied. The results show an intra‐type variation of 0.17% and 0.07% standard uncertainty (k=1) for the SNC125c and SNC600c, respectively.ConclusionMagnetic field correction factors for two different ion chambers and for typical clinical photon beam qualities were presented and compared with the few data existing in the literature. The correction factors may be applied in clinical reference dosimetry for existing MRI‐linear accelerators.
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