1. and , ‘Just Say NOx—A Review of Nitrogen Oxide Reduction Technologies for Chemical, Petrochemical, and Refining Industries,’ Environmental Protection, December 2000.
2. Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission, ‘Revisions to the State Implementation Plan (SIP) for the Control of Ozone Air Pollution,’ Rule Log 2000-011-SIP-AI, December 2000.
3. and , ‘NOx Abatement - A Comprehensive Review,’ Presented at Eighth Annual South Texas Environmental Conference 2000, Corpus Christi, Texas, October 2000.
4. United States Environmental Protection Agency, ‘Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), Why and How They are Controlled,’ Clean Air Technology Center, EPA 456/F-99-006, November 1999.
5. Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission, ‘Chapter 101-General Air Quality Rules,’ Rule Log 1998-089-101 -AI, December 2000.