Toward Ultra‐High‐Quality‐Factor Wireless Masing Magnetic Resonance Sensing


Adelabu Isaiah1ORCID,Nantogma Shiraz1ORCID,Fleischer Simon2ORCID,Abdulmojeed Mustapha3ORCID,de Maissin Henri45,Schmidt Andreas B.145,Lehmkuhl Soeren2,Rosen Matthew S.67ORCID,Appelt Stephan89ORCID,Theis Thomas3,Qian Chunqi10ORCID,Chekmenev Eduard Y.1ORCID


1. Department of Chemistry, Integrative Biosciences (Ibio), Karmanos Cancer Institute (KCI) Wayne State University Detroit, Michigan 48202 United States

2. Institute of Microstructure Technology Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Karlsruhe Germany

3. Department of Chemistry North Carolina State University Raleigh, North Carolina 27695-8204 United States

4. Division of Medical Physics, Department of Radiology, Medical Center, Faculty of Medicine University of Freiburg Killianstr. 5a Freiburg 79106 Germany

5. German Cancer Consortium (DKTK), Partner site Freiburg and German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) Im Neuenheimer Feld 280 Heidelberg 69120 Germany

6. Massachusetts General Hospital A. A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging Boston, Massachusetts 02129 United States

7. Department of Physics Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 United States

8. Institute of Technical and Macromolecular Chemistry RWTH Aachen University 52056 Aachen Germany

9. Central Institute for Engineering, Electronics and Analytics—Electronic Systems (ZEA-2) Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH D-52425 Jülich Germany

10. Department of Radiology Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan 48824 United States


AbstractIt has recently been shown that a bolus of hyperpolarized nuclear spins can yield stimulated emission signals similar in nature to maser signals, potentially enabling new ways of sensing hyperpolarized contrast media, including most notably [1‐13C]pyruvate that is under evaluation in over 50 clinical trials for metabolic imaging of cancer. The stimulated NMR signal emissions lasting for minutes do not require radio‐frequency excitation, offering unprecedented advantages compared to conventional MR sensing. However, creating nuclear spin maser emission is challenging in practice due to stringent fundamental requirements, making practical in vivo applications hardly possible using conventional passive MR detectors. Here, we demonstrate the utility of a wireless NMR maser detector, the quality factor of which was enhanced 22‐fold (to 1,670) via parametric pumping. This active‐feedback technique breaks the intrinsic fundamental limit of NMR detector circuit quality factor. We show the use of parametric pumping to reduce the threshold requirement for inducing nuclear spin masing at 300 MHz resonance frequency in a preclinical MRI scanner. Indeed, stimulated emission from hyperpolarized protons was obtained under highly unfavorable conditions of low magnetic field homogeneity (T2* of 3 ms). Greater gains of the quality factor of the MR detector (up to 1 million) were also demonstrated.


National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

Edward Mallinckrodt, Jr. Foundation

National Science Foundation

Office of the Vice President for Research, Wayne State University

Wayne State University

North Carolina Biotechnology Center

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft









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