1. “An Evaluation of Module Replacement and Disposal at Failure for Maintenance of Ground Electronic Equipment,” RADC-TR-60-5, Rome, N.Y.: Rome Air Development Center (1960), AD 232917.
2. et al., A Queuing Model for Determining System Manning and Related Support Requirements. TDR No. AMRL-TDR-64-21. Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio: Aerospace Medical Research Laboratories (Jan. 1964), AD 434803.
3. Reliability Theory and Practice (Prentice-Hall Inc., New Jersey, 1961).
4. Letter to the Editor—Finding Everett's Lagrange Multipliers by Linear Programming
5. “A Methodology for Obtaining Solutions to the Modular Design Problem,” unpublished Ph. D. dissertation. The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas (Dec. 1971).