1. Aviation Supply Office, “The Distribution System for Naval Aeronautical Material,” a pamphlet prepared by the U.S. Navy Aviation Supply Office, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (undated). (The figures quoted pertain to FY 64.)
2. , , and , “A Repairable Item Inventory Model,” Technical Report/Research Paper No. 71, U.S. Naval Postgraduate School (Nov. 1966).
3. “Supply Management Models for Repairable Items,” Inventory Research Office, U.S. Army Supply and Maintenance Command, Frankford Arsenal, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; a paper presented at the Fifth U.S. Army Operations Research Symposium, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, in March 1966.
4. “METRIC: A Multi-Echelon Technique for Recoverable Item Control,” The RAND Corporation, RM-5078-PR (Nov. 1966).