1. Population Health Sciences, Bristol Medical School; University of Bristol; Bristol UK
2. NIHR Applied Research Collaboration West (ARC West); University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust; Bristol UK
3. Department of Sport and Exercise Sciences; Durham University; Durham UK
4. Fuse - Centre for Translational Research in Public Health; Newcastle Upon Tyne UK
5. Population Health Sciences Institute; Newcastle University; Newcastle upon Tyne UK
6. Hunter New England Population Health; Hunter New England Local Health District; Wallsend Australia
7. School of Medicine and Public Health; The University of Newcastle; Callaghan Australia
8. National Centre of Implementation Science; The University of Newcastle; Callaghan Australia
9. Population Health Research Program; Hunter Medical Research Institute; New Lambton Heights Australia
10. Department of Sport, Physical Education and Health; Hong Kong Baptist University; Kowloon Hong Kong
11. MRC Epidemiology Unit; University of Cambridge; Cambridge UK