1. Cellular Biology Program; Brazilian National Cancer Institute (INCA); 37André Cavalcanti Street, 5th Floor Rio de Janeiro RJ 20230-051 Brazil
2. National Institute of Metrology; Quality and Technology (INMETRO); 50, Nossa senhora das Graças Avenue, Building 27, Xerém, Duque de Caxias RJ 25250-020 Brazil
3. Department of Biophysics and Biometry; Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ); 87 Vinte e Oito de Setembro Avenue, 4th Floor Rio de Janeiro RJ 20551-030 Brazil
4. Brazilian Center For Physics Research (CBPF); 150, Dr. Xavier Sigaud Street - Urca Rio de Janeiro RJ 22290-180 Brazil
5. Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit; National Cancer Institute (INCA); 23 Cruz Vermelha Square, 7th Floor Rio de Janeiro RJ 20230-130 Brazil