Proximate and fatty acid compositions oft en wild‐caught and farmed fish species in mato grosso state, brazil


Mariotto Sandra1ORCID,Moriely Ramos Prado Railine1ORCID,Nascimento Edgar1ORCID,Rodrigues de Souza Xisto1,de Abreu Sousa Demétrio2


1. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia de Mato Grosso – Campus Cuiabá – Bela Vista. Av. Juliano Costa Marques, s/n CEP 78050–560 Cuiabá MT Brasil

2. Perícia Oficial e Identificação Técnica de Mato Grosso, Regional de Confresa. Av. Santo Afonso, 110 CEP 78652–000 Confresa MT, Brasil


AbstractThis study analyzed ten fish species (three farmed and seven wild‐caught) to determine their centesimal composition (assessed by AOAC methods) and lipid profile (analyzed by GC‐MS). Notably, “tambatinga” (farmed) and “piraputanga” (wild‐caught) stood out with 28.66 % and 26.44 % protein content and 2.32 % and 3.71 % lipid content, respectively. Across all species, oleic acid was the predominant fatty acid, followed by linoleic acid. The sum of PUFAs ranged from 17.84 % in “matrinchã” to 7.85 % in “piraputanga”. SFA varied from 49.93 % in “tambacu” to 39.90 % in “matrinchã”, while MUFAs ranged from 44.34 % in “palmito” to 38.39 % in “tambaqui”. “Matrinchã” had the highest average ω6 acid content (16.83 %), while “cachara” had the highest average for ω3 acids (5.73 %). “Piraputanga”. “cachara”, and “pincachara” exhibited the lowest ω6 levels. The analysis shows that fish have excellent nutritional values (proximate compositions) with few differences between species. “Pacu”, “matrinchã”, and “cachara” (wild‐caught) demonstrated positive attributes, while “pincachara” (farmed) exhibited the highest nutritional quality in terms of fatty acid fraction. Based on quality indices (H/H), “pacu”, “matrinchã” and “pincachara” are recommended choices for a healthy diet. This study adds valuable insights into the nutritional composition of fish species, which is essential for promoting regional development and local aquaculture.


Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Mato Grosso



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