PICaSSO virtual electronic chromendoscopy accurately reflects combined endoscopic and histological assessment for prediction of clinical outcomes in ulcerative colitis


Nardone Olga Maria1ORCID,Bazarova Alina12,Bhandari Pradeep3,Cannatelli Rosanna1,Daperno Marco4,Ferraz Jose5,Goetz Martin6,Gui Xianyong7,Hayee Bu8,De Hertogh Gert9,Lazarev Mark10,Li Ji11,Parra‐Blanco Adolfo12,Pastorelli Luca13,Panaccione Remo5,Occhipinti Vincenzo13,Rath Timo14,Smith Samuel C. L.1,Shivaji Uday N.1,Tontini Gian Eugenio15,Vieth Michael16,Villanacci Vincenzo17,Zardo Davide18,Bisschops Raf9ORCID,Kiesslich Ralf19,Ghosh Subrata12021ORCID,Iacucci Marietta1521ORCID


1. Institute of Immunology & Immunotherapy NIHR Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Facilities University of Birmingham UK and University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Trust Birmingham UK

2. Institute for Biological Physics University of Cologne Cologne Germany

3. Department of Gastroenterology Queen Alexandra Hospital Portsmouth UK

4. Department of Gastroenterology University of Torino Torino Italy

5. Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology University of Calgary Calgary Alberta Canada

6. Department of Gastroenterology Klinikum Böblingen Sindelfingen Germany

7. Department of Pathology University of Washington Seattle Washington USA

8. Department of Gastroenterology Kings College London London UK

9. Department of Pathology University Hospitals Leuven Leuven Belgium

10. Department of Gastroenterology Johns Hopkins Hospital Baltimore Maryland USA

11. Department of Gastroenterology Peking Union Medical College Hospital Dongcheng‐qu China

12. Department of Gastroenterology University of Nottingham Nottingham UK

13. Department of Gastroenterology IRCCS Policlinico San Donato San Donato Milanese Italy

14. Ludig Demling Endoscopy Center University of Erlangen Erlangen Germany

15. Department of Pathophysiology and Transplantation Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico University of Milan Milano Italy

16. Institute for Pathology Klinikum Bayreuth Bayreuth Germany

17. Institute of Pathology Spedali Civili Brescia Italy

18. University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust Birmingham UK

19. Department of Gastroenterology Helios HSK Wiesbaden Wiesbaden Germany

20. College of Medicine and Health and APC Microbiome Ireland University College Cork Cork Ireland

21. National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Birmingham Biomedical Research Centre Birmingham UK












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