The Role of Social Anxiety in Social Interaction Difficulties


Hall Roisin,Goldberg David


Social anxiety was found to be the most common complaint in a sample of psychiatric patients reporting social interaction difficulties. High social anxiety was shown to be associated with impairments to social behaviour in socially anxious psychiatric patients and non-psychiatric volunteers. A comparison was made of systematic desensitization and a form of social skills training in the treatment of social interaction difficulties associated with high social anxiety. This indicated that while both therapies were effective in the reduction of social anxiety, the training programme was the more effective in reducing problem behaviour, but desensitization appeared to lead to a wider generalization of improvement as indicated by increases in social participation.


Royal College of Psychiatrists


Psychiatry and Mental health

Reference24 articles.

1. Shaw P. (1976) The nature of social phobia. Paper read to the British Psychological Society, York.

2. Sarason S. B. (1975) Anxiety and self-preoccupation. In Stress and Anxiety (eds Spielberger C. D. and Sarason S. B. ). Hemisphere.

3. Four experiments on the relative contributions of rehearsal, modeling, and coaching to assertion training.

4. Behavior rehearsal with modeling and coaching in assertion training.

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