An Intensive Combination of Bobath Therapy and Core Stability Exercises Is More Effective In Improving the Sitting Balance of Cerebral Palsy Children


Anwar Suharto,Suriani Suriani,Gasma Asmawati


This research is an experimental study with a pretest – post one group design which aims to analyze the effectiveness of intensive bobath therapy and core stability exercises on sitting balance in children with Cerebral Palsy. A total of 17 Cerebral Palsy children were given bobath therapy and core stability exercises for 10 weeks, with a dose: 1 time/day, 4 times a week with a treatment time of 60 minutes for each child. The research subjects were children suffering from Cerebral Palsy with the age criteria of 1 year sitting unbalanced. Carried out from February to July 2023. Sitting balance is measured using a sitting flat scale. The research subjects consisted of 13 men (76.47%) and 4 women (23.53%) with GMFCS categories III and IV. Average age of research subjects: 36.5758 ± 15.02504. The results of the statistical test using Wilcoxon obtained a p value = 0.001. Conclusion: Bobath therapy and core stability exercises are more effective in increasing sitting level scale scores in Cerebral Palsy children.


PT. Riset Press International







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