Repair-and-renewal operations of pipelines from the data on their maintenance


Toropov E. S.1,Dorofeev S. M.2,Ponomareva T. G.1,Toropov S. Yu.1


1. Industrial University of Tyumen

2. Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School named after Marshal of Engineering Troops A. I. Proshlyakov


Maintaining of the pipeline system in an operational condition can't be achieved without solving the problem of their protection from internal corrosion as the main factor that leads to numerous accidents. In conditions of limited funding, the creation of scientifically based methods that regulate repair work on difficult areas [1] or those that are not repairable using "classical" methods is a very urgent task. In this way, the use of repair methods without stopping product pumping, in terms of justifying the placement of technological equipment, even more increase the importance of the problem being solved. Research methods are experimental and theoretical character and based on the analysis and processing of statistical data received during the experimental studies of field objects. The result of this work was the creation of a methodology that allows determining the order of repair work on pipelines with different degrees of corrosion damage and its speed on different sections of the route [2]. And as a result, reasonable placement of technological equipment along the pipeline route for in-line pipeline repair, without stopping the pumping of the transported product.


Industrial University of Tyumen


General Medicine

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