Far-red Photons Increase Light Capture but Have Lower Photosynthetic Capacity Than Red Photons


Liu Jun1,van Iersel Marc W.2


1. Department of Horticultural Sciences, Texas A&M AgriLife Research Center at Dallas, Texas A&M University, Dallas, TX 75252, USA

2. Horticultural Physiology Laboratory, Department of Horticulture, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, USA


Far-red photons (700–750 nm) can accelerate crop growth during indoor production through both physiological and morphological processes. A previous study showed that far-red photons can drive photosynthesis with efficiency similar to that of traditionally defined photosynthetically active photons (400–700 nm) if they are provided together with shorter-wavelength photons. Far-red photons also promote leaf and canopy expansion, which can increase light interception and growth. This study aimed to distinguish the contribution of morphological and physiological changes to crop growth induced by substituting red photons with far-red photons. We studied the long-term effects of substituting red photons with far-red photons on canopy light interception and whole-plant photosynthesis. ‘Little Gem’ lettuce (Lactuca sativa) seedlings were grown under four light spectrums of the same total photon flux density (400–750 nm). In addition to a background of a mixture of white and blue photons of 150 μmol⋅m−2⋅s−1, we provided 51 μmol⋅m−2⋅s−1 red photons, far-red photons, or mixtures of red and far-red photons. In the first run, plants were harvested twice. The first harvest was at canopy closure, and the second harvest was when plants reached full size. In the second run, we harvested lettuce plants more frequently to minimize leaf overlap and interplant competition. We found that far-red photon substitution promoted leaf and canopy expansion and increased light interception. The effect of far-red photon substitution on leaf and canopy expansion was stronger in the second run than in the first run, likely because of lower plant density in the second run when plants were harvested more frequently. Far-red photon substitution of red photons decreased the amount of extended photosynthetically active radiation (ePAR) photons (400–750 nm) absorbed by leaves because of the lower leaf absorptance of far-red photons. The greater effect on canopy expansion in the second run of far-red photons substitution was able to exceed the reduction of ePAR photon absorption by leaves; therefore, we observed an increased crop gross photosynthetic rate (Pg) between the second and third harvests during the second run. However, during the first run, lower absorptance of ePAR completely offset the effect of the greater canopy size and light interception, and crop Pg was decreased in the first run before the first harvest. The changes in light interception and crop Pg resulting from far-red photon substitution did not affect dry weight. Far-red photons had photosynthetic activity when applied with a blue and white light mixture, but their efficiency was approximately half that of red photons, potentially because of the lower absorptance of far-red photons. In conclusion, far-red photon substitution of red photons increased canopy size but decreased ePAR photons absorbed by leaves and did not increase the final dry weight. Because far-red light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have higher efficacy for converting electricity into photons, including far-red LEDs in fixtures for sole-source lighting can reduce energy costs without decreasing lettuce yields.


American Society for Horticultural Science



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