Greenhouse, Detached-leaf, and Field Testing Methods to Determine Cucumber Resistance to Gummy Stem Blight


Amand Paul C. St.,Wehner Todd C.


The effects of leaf age, guttation, stomata and hydathode characteristics, and wounding on the symptom development of gummy stem blight [Didymella bryoniae (Auersw.) Rehm] of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) were studied to develop a useful germplasm screening method. Older cucumber leaves were more susceptible than younger leaves in field, greenhouse, and detached-leaf tests. Compared to seedlings with true leaves, seedlings at the cotyledon stage were less susceptible, had a smaller variance for ratings, and were more likely to escape infection. Stomata density and hydathode counts were not correlated with field ratings; but, stomata length on older leaves was highly correlated with susceptibility y. In greenhouse and field tests, susceptibility y increased as guttation increased and actively guttating plants were more susceptible than nonguttating plants. Phylloplane moisture and/or nutrition were more important in the infection process than was stomata] opening. Although important, guttation was not necessary for infection. Dawn inoculation of field or greenhouse tests increased leaf symptoms compared with dusk inoculation. The increase was likely due to the free water and nutrients provided by guttation. Genotype ranks and ratings for detached-leaf tests were not correlated with field results. A useful method, highly correlated (r = 0.82 to 0.96) with field ratings. for screening germplasm in the greenhouse was developed.


American Society for Horticultural Science









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