1. Tomilin, S. A. (1928). Venericheskie bolezni v okruzhnyih gorodah Ukrainyi v 1927 g. Opyt sotsialno-gigieni-cheskogo analiza gorodskogo venerizma [Venus diseases in the district cities of Ukraine in 1927. The experience of socio-hygienic analysis of urban venereism]. Harkov. 76. [Russian].
2. Fedorovskiy, A. N. (1930). Zabolevaemost venericheskimi boleznyami rabochih i krestyan Donetskogo basseyna [Incidence of venereal diseases of workers and peasants of the Donetsk basin]. Harkov. 170. [Russian].
3. Trudy II s'ezda dermato-venerologov Ukrainskoy SSR 18-20 noyabrya 1959 goda [Proceedings of the II Congress of Dermatovenereologists of the Ukrainian SSR November 18-20, 1959]. Kiev, 1960. 476. [Russian].
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5. Svodnyie statisticheskie otchety o venericheskih i zaraznyih zabolevaniyah sredi naseleniya USSR za 1944 g. [Summary statistical reports on venereal and infectious diseases among the population of the Ukrainian SSR for 1944] Harkovskiy oblastnoy gosudarstvenniy arhiv. Op. 1, d. 32, 11. [Russian]