1. Research Scholar, Institute of Management and Commerce, Srinivas University, Mangalore, India-575001
2. Research Professor, Institute of Management and Commerce, Srinivas University, Mangalore, India-575001
Purpose: This paper aims to comprehend the various factors that influence the audience's media consumption so that media firms may create content effectively.
Design: Newspaper articles, academic journals, case studies, and online searches were the main sources of information used in this study. The study evaluates the postulates and variables that impact media consumption through focus group interactions.
Findings: The study thoroughly reviews empirical concepts to examine the postulates influencing media consumption. The variables related to the study were perception, likes and preferences, awareness, local media services, and actions that affect media consumption, as determined by developing a conceptual model evaluation.
Originality/value: While the conceptual model was being developed, the study discussed multiple variables that influence media consumption and, with the aid of several models and theories linked to media consumption, identified several postulates.
Paper type: A literature review to create the conceptual framework.
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