The aim of this study is investigation of fashion wig perception and purchase beahvior in 20~40 ages women. The answer of 254 fashion wig wearers was analyzed by SPSS 21.0 program. In result, the responses of ‘agree’ and ‘strongly agree’ were positive at 55.9~76.0% in all five questions of fashion wigs perception. The analysis of the relationship between sociodemographic characteristics and perception of fashion wigs showed ‘agree’ and ‘strongly agree’ with psychological stability and recommend to friends and family in the group of 25~40 ages. The help with hair styling showed in the group of desk job and service job, and the confident was in the group of college (university) graduate, and psychological stablity in the group of enjoy of hairstyle changing. The analysis of relationship between sociodemographic characteristics and purchase behavior showed follow. The information collection pathway and purchase place were hair shop in the group of old age and higher-level education. Decision of style was designer's recommended style in the group of enjoy of hairstyle changing, and first considerations of selection showed style and quality. Wearing form and purchase reason showed half wig (hair pieces etc.) in the group of higher-level education and natural. The most favorite color was brown line and next was black line. In conclusion, the perception of fashion wig wearers may be used fashion wig such as fashion item, and hair shop can be preferred for information collection pathway, purchase place and A/S of fashion wig.
Korean Society of Cosmetology