1. Laboratory of Biology and Treatment of Metastasis Department of Oncology IRCCS‐Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri Bergamo and Milan Italy
2. Laboratory of Methodology for Clinical Research Department of Oncology IRCCS‐Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri Milan Italy
3. Mouse and Animal Pathology Lab, Fondazione Filarete and Department of Veterinary Pathology University of Milan Milan Italy
4. Department of Immunology and Inflammation IRCCS‐Humanitas Clinical and Research Center Rozzano Italy
5. CERMS, AOU Città della Salute e della Scienza Turin Italy
6. Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Health Sciences University of Turin Turin Italy
7. Molecular Biotechnology Center Turin Italy
8. Department of Pathology and Diagnostic University and Hospital Trust of Verona Verona Italy
9. Chirurgia IV, Presidio Ospedaliero di Rho, ASST Rhodense Milano Italy
10. Department of Immunohematology and Transfusion Medicine Thrombosis and Hemostasis Center Hospital Papa Giovanni XXIII Bergamo Italy