1. P. Özlem-Aytaçlar, An Onomastic Survey of the Indigenous Population of North-Western Asia Minor, in: R. W. V. Catling – F. Marchand (edd.), Onomatologos: Studies in Greek Personal Names presented to Elaine Matthews, Oxford 2010, 506-529.
2. D. Detschew, Die thrakischen Spracheste, Vienna 1957.
3. J. H. Mordtmann, Inschriften aus Bithynien, MDAI 12, 1887, 168-183.
4. P. Perdrizet, Inscriptions de Philippes: Les Rosalies, BCH 24, 1900, 299-323.
5. L. Robert, Hellenica I: Recueil d‟épigraphie de numismatique et d‟antiquités grecques, Paris 1940.