Proper design and operation of buildings are expected to result in optimal thermal comfort and energy performance at the same time. If occupants are not satisfied with thermal conditions, corrective actions by building managers and maintenance staff may lead to elevated room temperatures with evident energy penalties. Because of complicated technical systems and control logic, it is worth studying how well the design intent has been realised in new office buildings. In this study, thermal comfort was analysed by measurements of draught, room, and supply air temperature as well as with occupant questionnaire surveys in five modern office buildings. Both short‐ and long‐term measurements were conducted to demonstrate problems in the operation and to find potential solutions for improvement. The results revealed an issue of excessive overheating during the heating season despite generally low air velocities. Radiant ceiling panels had the lowest velocities in both summer and winter, while buildings with active chilled beams showed the potential to meet Category II air velocity and temperature requirements. The building with thermally activated building systems experienced the most overheating during the heating season. Occupants were satisfied with the heating season temperatures of 23°C–25°C that can be attributed to lighter clothing (0.7 clo) instead of the standard 1.0 clo. Ventilation supply air and indoor temperature analyses indicate that elevated setpoints have been used to compensate for draught, resulting in overheating. As a measure of improvement to avoid overheating, we propose control curves for room temperature based on the outdoor running mean temperature and for supply air temperature based on the extract air temperature.