The manuscript demonstrate which percentage indexes of fibrous and organic material are necessary in composting windrows, the replacement of the biocatalyst (feces) by organic sludge, with the purpose of forming an alternative quality fertilizer. Individual windrows were designed with different compositions based on 10 calculations of different proportions. The three different materials used in the composting process for each treatment (T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 with animal feces as biocatalyst, and T6, T7, T8, T9 and T10, with sludge as biocatalyst). Each treatment consisted of 1kg of material with the following proportions: T1 - 70% of fibrous material and 30% of organic material; T2 - 50% fibrous material and 50% organic material; T3 - 30% fibrous material and 70% organic material; T4 - 10% fibrous material and 90% organic material; T5 - 0% of fibrous material and 100% of organic material, where the following parameters of the organic fertilizers generated were analyzed: physical - granulometry; density and porosity, chemical – Organic Matter; pH; P; K; Ca; Mg; At; SB; Al; H and CTC. All treatments are within the classification range of soil with weak acidity, since the pH and OM content were between 7.01 and 10.8% respectively. Thus, even with the variation of the organic biocatalysts used, the indices and required levels of the physicochemical parameters analyzed, of all treatments, regardless of the fiber content, were above the references expressed in the literature, demonstrating a high quality in the fertilizers produced.
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
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