1. Erastus, Thomas. The Theses of Erastus Touching Excommunication. Translated by Robert Lee. Edinburgh: Macphail, 1844.
2. Vermigli, PeterMartyr. Commentary on Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics. Edited by Emidio Campi and Joseph C. McLelland. Kirksville, MO: Truman State University Press, 2006.
3. Baker, J.Wayne. Heinrich Bullinger and the Covenant: The ‘Other’ Reformed Tradition. Athens: Ohio University Press, 1980.
4. Ballor, Jordan J., David S.Sytsma, and JasonZuidema, eds. Church and School in Early Modern Protestantism: Studies in Honor of Richard A. Muller on the Maturation of a Theological Tradition. Leiden: Brill, 2013.