In many areas of science, complex problems are described by differential equations with a small parameter. One famous physicist is credited with the phrase: A phenomenon is not physical if it lacks a small parameter. A differential equation (ordinary or partial differential) with a small parameter at the highest derivative is called a singularly perturbed differential equation. Such equations arise in electrical and radio engineering, mechanics, hydraulic and aerodynamics, etc. The article is devoted to the construction of a complete expansion of the solution to a singularly perturbed two-point boundary value problem with two singular points on the boundaries of the segment under consideration. The solution is sought in the form of a sum of three functions that can be represented by asymptotic series. It is impossible to construct a uniform asymptotic expansion on a straight line, so an auxiliary function is introduced, with the help of which it is possible to construct an asymptotic expansion on the entire segment, including singular points.
Publishing Center Science and Practice
Reference10 articles.
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