Morton's Metatarsalgia: The Current State of the Issue


Butrimova S.,Yarikov A.,Gorbatov R.,Ignatieva O.,Kazakova L.,Fraerman A.,Perlmutter O.,Tsybusov S.,Baitinger V.,Baitinger A.,Selyaninov K.,Sosnin A.,Yezhov I.,Khinovker V.,Pavlova E.,Volkov I.,Tuturov A.,Khokhlov M.,Kamnev I.,Prokopyev V.,Kovalenko N.,Klementev Ye.,Alidin S.,Korochkin D.,Kostogriz E.,Tutkin A.


A typical complaint with Morton's neuroma is a burning paroxysmal pain in the area of the plantar surface of the metatarsal bones with irradiation into the III interdigital space, which forces the patient to take off his shoes and massage the foot in the most inappropriate situations. Given that women are mostly ill, clinical manifestations reduce the quality of life of patients, limit their daily professional and work activities. The paper presents the etiology, pathogenesis and clinical picture of this disease, diagnostic features. A radical method of treatment is surgery, which is relatively simple in technique and consists in dissecting the tissues that compress the nerve and creating optimal conditions for the nerve trunk, preventing its subsequent traumatization.


Publishing Center Science and Practice

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