Social Aspect in Early Rehabilitation of Patients Who Have Suffered Ischemic Stroke in a Specialized Hospital in Bishkek


Sultanova K.,Sultanmuratov M.,Bularkieva E.


The problem of not just the “survival” of the patient, but also improving the quality of his life as subjective satisfaction with the level of his functioning in conditions of illness is becoming increasingly urgent. The problem of restoring lost functions in diseases that have a clear social significance is acute. The level of everyday and social adaptation was determined using the Merton and Sutton scale of self-assessment of everyday life capabilities. The analysis was carried out on 50 patients (24 women and 26 men) who suffered an ischemic stroke. It was found that the use of early rehabilitation has a statistically significant positive effect on patients achieving independence in performing basic household skills.


Publishing Center Science and Practice


Modeling and Simulation

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