Contents of IL-1β and IL-10 in Blood Plasma Dynamics in Experimental Animals during Simulation of Wound Process of Soft Tissue in Low Altitude Conditions and During the Period of Deadaptation to High Altitudes


Mamakeev K.,Umetaliev Yu.,Abdyshev E.,Niyazov B.,Niyazova S.,Mamatov A.


Presents the dynamics of the content of IL-1β and IL-10 in the blood plasma of experimental animals when modeling a wound process in low-altitude conditions and during the period of deadaptation to high-altitude conditions. The animals were divided into 3 series: Series I — control (permanently living in the conditions of Bishkek); Series II — experimental, after a 3-day stay at the experimental high-mountain base of KSMA named after. A. A. Raimzhanov as part of the Central Research Laboratory (moved to the conditions of Bishkek with subsequent modeling and observation of the course of the wound process); III series — experimental, after a 30-day stay at the experimental high-mountain base of KSMA named after. A. A. Raimzhanov as part of the Central Scientific Research Laboratory (moved to the conditions of Bishkek with subsequent modeling and observation of the course of the wound process). Analysis of the data obtained shows that during aseptic inflammation, the opposite dynamics of the production of some of the key interleukins was observed, with IL-1β with a maximum concentration 12 hours from the onset of aseptic inflammation. The identified changes in the content of cytokines during experimental aseptic inflammation determined the timely change and adequate duration of cellular reactions. During purulent inflammation, the dynamics of cytokine secretion was unidirectional, which led to a delay in time of all cellular phases of the inflammatory process. During the period of deadaptation after a long stay in high altitude conditions, low secretion of IL-1 and IL-10 is observed, associated with the depletion of protective and adaptive mechanisms.


Publishing Center Science and Practice

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