The research was carried out in the Vishersky Nature Reserve and in the adjacent territories (Perm Krai). We used methods of phyto- and bioindication and decoding of satellite images with the allocation of 8 types of geoactive zones with diameters 1, 3, 8, 16, 32, 55, 76 and 110 m. Such zones are favorable for biota and are studied by the biolocation method, the data of which have been confirmed by contact photography since 2009. It is shown that the studied 25 natural phenomena were formed on a combination of 2-3 “junior” zones with dimensions of 1–8 m when they were placed inside 2–3 “senior” zones with a size of 16–110 m. A hypothesis is put forward explaining the appearance of natural phenomena by the action of the Earth’s energies and their synergetic when radiating through geoactive zones. Distances from the centers of zones forming comfortable belts in the form of rings for biota are recommended for use in landscape design. For the most numerous zones of 1 and 3 m in size, this belt is located between radii of 0.31–0.48 m. For a zone of 8 m in size, the comfort ring is located between radii of 0.91–3.20 m; for a zone of 16 m — within a radius of 1.45 m and further to the zone border; for a zone of 32 m — from 1.75 m and to its border. For large zones 55, 76 and 110 m, they are determined from single observations and start from about a distance of 5.3 m; at the same time, there are additional belts identified in space images. The use of comfort rings of geoactive zones will help to create compositions of trees and shrubs directly on the rocks, as well as to grow different types of plants in dense biogroups.
Publishing Center Science and Practice
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