Bioecological Characteristics of Parasites Infecting Hyphantria cunea (Drury, 1773) in Azerbaijan


Nuriyeva I.ORCID,Alizade V.ORCID


In the northeastern territories of Azerbaijan, where the American white butterfly (Hyphantria cunea (Drury, 1773)) is prevalent, research has identified nine parasite species that target this particular pest. Included in this group are two species from the Braconidae family: Apanteles plutellaeKurdjumov, 1912 and Meteorus versicolor(Wesmael, 1835); a single species from the Ichneumonidae family, Pimpla turionellae (Linnaeus, 1758); four species from the Chalcididae family: Psychophagus omnivorus (Walker, 1835), Brachymeria intermedia(Nees, 1834), Conomorium patulum(Walker, 1835) and Pteromalus spp.; along with two species from the Tachinidae family: Exorista larvarum (Linnaeus, 1758) and Compsilura concinnata (Meigen, 1824). The parasitic complex of the American fall webworm in the northeastern regions of Azerbaijan has been formed, in particular, we were able to discover and study the bioecological characteristics of the above-mentioned species: adult life duration, average productivity, preimaginal development (in days), percentage of females, average generation duration (in days). In populations of the American fall webworm, Psychophagus omnivorus and Exorista larvarum are of greatest importance as entomophages, capable of destroying phytophage pupae. These parasites are effective species in management of the American fall webworm population and can be used as biological control agents.


Publishing Center Science and Practice

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