COVID-19 and Pregnancy


Chowdhury Selia, ,Bappy Mehedi Hasan,Desai Shreeya,Chowdhury Samia,Patel Vraj,Chowdhury Md. Shahraj,Fonseca Ayesha,Sekzer Catalina,Zahid Samina,Patousis Athanasios,Gerothanasi Anna,Masenga Matias Juan, , , , , , , , , , ,


It is of greatest concern how COVID-19 is affecting pregnancy, mothers, and babies. Scientists are studying the impact of COVID-19 on pregnant women and babies and are understanding a little more every day. Reports show that there is an increased risk in pregnant women compared to nonpregnant women to get more serious illness due to COVID-19. Researchers are also investigating COVID-19 and its potential impact on a fetus. There are exceedingly rare cases of COVID-19 transmission to the fetus, and newborns can pick up COVID-19 when exposed. Vaccines are proved to be safe for pregnant women and help prevent both mother and the fetus from getting COVID-19 and are also highly effective to prevent COVID-19 infection, critical sickness, and fatalities in general. There are specific guidelines for labor and delivery during the COVID-19 pandemic which are to be imposed and followed to achieve safer and healthier childbirth. In this article, the overall influence of COVID-19 in pregnancy, its pathophysiology, effects on placenta and neonates, maternal and perinatal features and outcomes, the role of vaccination, available treatment options, and the guidelines to be followed during the pandemic are discussed based on the available scientific evidence.


Applied Systems, srl


Pharmacology (medical)

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