Technology options for rotating magnetic field when used in metalworking industry


Lebedev Valeriy1ORCID,Vernigorov Yuriy1ORCID,Kochubey Anatoliy Anatol'evich Anatoliy2,Shirin Andrei3ORCID


1. Don State Technical University

2. PC Beriev TANTK”

3. Federal State Unitary Enterprise «Rostov-on-Don Scientific Research Institute of Radio Communications»


Research results and ways of applications of the electromagnetic forces method in metalworking production for the operations of parts hardening, dry-lubricant coating processes, slurry waste upgrading in grinding production, are presented. The essence and means of method techniques are revealed. Analytical dependencies, recommended modes and conditions for performing magnetodynamic treatment under technological operations are given. It is found that the main energy deposition impact factor as a target exposure for the object under treatment or waste management is a magnetically vibrating layer formed in devices that create a rotating electromagnetic field and provide an operational benefit due to the occurrence of various physical effects and the intense movement of particles of a dispersed medium. Design and technological solutions of technological systems have been developed using devices with a rotating electromagnetic field, allowing for high technical and economic efficiency to provide: hardening of slender parts having long length, as well as parts with hard-to-reach internal cavities; slurry waste management in grinding production in an attempt to obtain processed raw materials for powder metallurgy, tool and foundry production. It is shown that electromagnetic forces method is quite effective for applying dry-lubricant anti-friction coatings on the surface of parts, making it possible to form traces of shock-pulse action of indentors on the surface of the treated spherical and elliptical shape , which prove the formation of a lubricant film; allowing height reduction of the irregularities and increasing the radius of apex of salient roundness together with the true contact area between the coating and the metal surface ; ensuring the adhesion of the coating over the entire contact area of the indenter with the metal surface; providing the uniformity of the application of a lubricating film on the surfaces of parts having various complex shapes.


Bryansk State Technical University BSTU

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