Aggregating Related Fuzzy Defined Diagnostic Parameters of Complexly Structured Objects


Bagretsov Sergey1,Golubev Mikhail2,Konovalchik Maxim2


1. Mozhaisky Military Space Engineering Academy

2. A.F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy


The paper considers the task of fulfilling the conditions for consecutive aggregation of hierarchically related fuzzy parameters of the research object state. The necessary conditions for correlating fuzzy aggregated performance indicators of overlying and lower hierarchical levels of a complexly structured object (CSO) are determined. The paper shows that the conditions for matching the aggregated parameters of overlying and lower levels formulated in the article are synthesis of authors’ previously obtained results, taking into account clear estimates of the parameters in the case of their fuzzy measurement. Based on applying the generalization principle of L. Zade, methods have been developed for aggregating parameters and assessing the clarity degree of matching their preference relations in the integral indicator of the object state. An example of aggregating hierarchically related fuzzy indicators of the complexly structured object efficiency is given, confirming the validity of the findings made in the article.


Bryansk State Technical University BSTU


General Medicine

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