Managing the Scientific Activity of Creative Employees in Higher Education Using Scientometric Indicators


Dvornikova Olga1,Spasennikov Valeriy2ORCID,Dvornikov Sergey34ORCID


1. The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications

2. Bryansk State Technical University

3. Budyonny Military Academy of the Signal Corps

4. Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation


The phenomenon of creativity is considered from the standpoint of an indicator that determines a person’s ability to scientific creativity. The genesis of the creativity theory is presented and issues requiring additional research are highlighted. The tests and methods aimed at identifying a person’s creative abilities are analysed; their generality is shown and both positive points and the restrictions related to their application difficulties to large creative groups are separately identified. The indicators are justified that are advisable to be used when testing universities’ and scientific institutions’ employees. The feasibility of applying open sources based on the scientific electronic library “E-library” in assessing the creative abilities of personalities involved in research and pedagogical activities is shown. The authors propose to use histograms that determine each of the employees’ contribution to the university’s overall scientific potential as the initial data for the subsequent research. The law of distributing these histograms is established and the curves approximating them are identified. The choice of the threshold determining the team’s creative part is justified based on the Pareto principle. The commonality of the distribution law is proven and numerical indicators are obtained allowing one to quickly conduct calculations on choosing the threshold of making a decision. Examples of four universities demonstrate the procedure for applying the developed approach. The article demonstrates the processing data of the results characterising the contribution of the creative part of scientific and pedagogical groups to forming the intellectual potential of universities issued in open publications. The conclusions are formulated and the directions of further research are determined.


Bryansk State Technical University BSTU


General Medicine

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