Comparative Analysis of the Quality of the Technical University Scientific Journals and Improvement Criteria


Androsov Kirill1ORCID,Kirichek Andrey1ORCID,Spasennikov Valeriy1ORCID


1. Bryansk State Technical University


The paper presents the results of a comparative analysis of calculating the indicators of scientific journals at Bryansk State Technical University (BSTU) in the fields of technology according to the nomenclature list of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation based on the integral rating of the Science Index information and analytical system. Analising publication activity and disagreements of the expert community in ranking journals in economic specialties is carried out. The paper identifies the directions for further improving the quality of BSTU scientific journals in technical specialties, namely: Science-Intensive Technologies in Mechanical Engineering, Transport Engineering, Automation and Modelling in Design and Management and Ergodesign based on their expert assessments. It is shown that the priority criteria for expert evaluation are the following: academic contribution to the field of knowledge, the quality of articles and their compliance with the subject area of the journal, the policy of journals regarding the reviewing and geographical diversity of authors and members of the editorial board and editorial staff of the journal. It is proposed that in addition to the integral Science Index rating, which is a point indicator, the relevance and novelty of published journal articles is associated with analysing altmerics and visualising data.


Bryansk State Technical University BSTU

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