
Galyuzhin Sergey1,Lobikova Olga1


1. Belorussian-Russian University


The study objective is to analyze the efficiency of installing stretch ceilings in industrial buildings of transport engineering enterprises constructed in the 60s...70s of the previous century as one of the ways of building insulation. The problem to which the paper is devoted is the development of a method for calculating heat losses during the installation of a stretch ceiling in a production building of a transport engineering enterprise, a comparative analysis of these losses before and after the ceiling installation. Research methods: the paper uses a computational and theoretical method of heat transfer studies, in which, after passing the stretch ceiling, the heat flow is divided into two unequal parts, because the thermal resistance of the walls and roof is different. The novelty of the work: a method for calculating heat losses when installing a stretch ceiling in a production building is proposed. Study results: it is found that the installation of a stretch ceiling allows not only to improve the aesthetic appearance of an industrial building, but also to reduce heat losses through the upper part of the building and the roof by almost 1.5 times. Conclusions: the installation of stretch ceilings with insulation in industrial buildings of transport engineering enterprises has a thermal feasibility, since at the same time heat losses are significantly reduced.


Bryansk State Technical University BSTU

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