
Saraev Yuriy1,Bezborodov Valeriy1,Perovskaya Marina1,Semenchuk Vyacheslav2,Grigor'eva Alina3,Nepomnyaschiy Aleksandr4


1. Institute of Strength Physics and Material Science of Siberian Branch of RAS

2. Institute of Strength Physics and Material Science, Si-berian Branch of RAS (IPP SB RAS)

3. Institut fiziki prochnosti i materialovedeniya Sibirskogo otdeleniya RAN

4. Physics and Material Science, Siberian Branch of RAS (IPP SB RAS)


The paper presents a conceptual approach to improving the durability of the working surfaces of products using new materials and technologies for their application, including various methods of spraying and surfacing based on the analysis of modern ways of forming high characteristics on the surfaces of structural steels used under extreme operating conditions. The study objective is to find ways to increase the operational performance of wearing products operating under conditions of extreme loads and intensive wear, through the use of new materials and modern technologies for their application, spraying and surfacing methods. The problem to which the paper is devoted deals with justifying the physical principles of reinforcing coating engineering on the basis of applying the most effective ways to improve the performance of wearing products in the conditions of increased wear and extreme loads. Research methods: Based on an analytical review of existing approaches to reinforcing wearing surfaces, the application of modern research methods is justified including: high-speed video recording, oscillography of the main mode energy parameters, performed synchronously with the recording of video images, thermal imaging of thermal fields during experiments. The novelty of the work is connected with the complex application of a new generation of sprayed and surfaced materials, and promising methods of their application, including additional shock and mechanical treatment of the surface layers, as well as methods of controlled heat deposition, contributing to controlled crystallization of the melt on the treated surfaces, using pulse and arc surfacing methods. Research results: Based on the research carried out, a conceptual approach is proposed to develop modern coating technologies, including the most effective combinations of materials, both practically known because of their effective application, and new technologies, including methods of adaptive pulse surfacing technologies. Conclusions: Improving the operational properties of products used under conditions of intense wear and corrosion can be achieved by the complex application of a new generation of surfacing and sprayed materials, technologies for their application to the working bodies of rapidly wearing products, new methods of surfacing based on adaptive pulse technologies.


Bryansk State Technical University BSTU

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