
Kirichek Andrey1,Sergeev Aleksey2,Fedonina Svetlana1,Petreshin Dmitriy1


1. Bryansk State Technical University

2. Bryanskiy gosudarstvennyy tehnicheskiy universitet


The paper presents the results of experimental studies of 3DMP synthesis with various shaping paths of the wire feedstock. The necessity of using oscillating feedstock movements in order to increase the stability of the welding process and prevent shape defects is established. Recommendations are given for using the path of oscillating movements depending on the width of the synthesized walls of samples. The quality of the synthesized material are studied and a few pores with sizes of 5...25 microns and 5…13 (sawtooth and U-shaped oscillation respectively) are discovered with the total pore content of 0.016% and 0.01% on the area under study. The study objective is the technological support of the quality parameters of the part synthesized by WAAM-method by controlling the shaping feedstock path depending on the geometric parameters of the part. The problem to which the paper is devoted is to identify the most optimal paths of feedstock during part synthesis while ensuring the quality parameters of the deposited layer (porosity). Conclusions: for the synthesis of wire parts by WAAM-method, it is possible to apply sawtooth and U-shaped feedstock oscillation paths with a recommended wall width of 6...20 mm, grown in the same technological cycle with oscillating feedstock path. The appropriateness of the choice of the oscillation path depends on the geometric parameters of the product. Keywords: technology, surfacing, synthesis, 3DMP, WAAM, feedstock, path, oscillation, quality.


Bryansk State Technical University BSTU

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