1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur,
Rajasthan, India
2. Microfluidics & MEMS Centre, CSIR-Advanced Materials and Processes Research Institute
(AMPRI), Hoshangabad Road, Bhopal 462026, India
In recent times, there has been an increasing demand for dissimilar metal
fabrication, as this weldment utilizes the specific benefits of different metals for a
particular application. In this paper, the recent trends evolving in the field of dissimilar
material joining, which introduces residual stresses, distortions and formation of brittle
intermetallics within the structure is discussed. As these are highly undesirable,
therefore various techniques were studied by the researchers, which reduce the
distortions and formation of brittle intermetallics. The use of numerical techniques in
this field was also studied as they provided the researchers with an insight into the
process. Mostly, the joining of dissimilar material is done using friction stir welding
and laser welding, but the use of friction stir welding has constraints in terms of
material temperature thus, the joining of dissimilar weldment is discussed by giving a
special context to laser welding technology.