A Peculiar Case of a Floating Angio-Seal


Dettmers R.C.,Bosman W.M.P.F.,van den Broek M.A.J.,Veger H.T.C.,Hedeman Joosten P.Ph.A.,Borger van der Burg B.L.S.


Purpose To show a complication of the use of an Angio-Seal™ closure device. Case We present a patient with a systolic murmur in his femoral artery after PCI. The murmur was caused by a dislocated Angio-Seal™, a vascular closure device. This was diagnosed by Doppler Ultrasound. The device was surgically removed. Conclusion Vascular complications, such as lower limb ischemia, requiring surgical intervention tend to be higher after use of a vascular closure device. We advise routine physical examination of the puncture site after percutaneous closure with a vascular closure device, such as an Angio-Seal™. The removal of the device can be performed via an open or endoscopic approach, based on available experience.


Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.


Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine

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5. Angio-Seal Evolution Vascular Closure Device Brochure. St. Jude Medical. Available from: http: //professional.sjm.com/products/-vas/hemostasis-management/vascular-closure-devices/angio-seal-evolution#overview

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