1. Dr. Akhilesh Das Gupta Institute of Technology & Management,New Delhi,India,
2. Dr. Akhilesh Das Gupta Institute of Technology & Management,,New Delhi,India,
Automated parking systems have been revolutionized exponentially in
recent times but configuring an automated parking system capable of incorporating the
ability to perform total sanitization is the result of a novel approach, as presented in this
chapter. This parking system sanitizes the vehicle as soon as it approaches the parking
lot with the help of Infrared sensors coupled with a servo motor. The fundamental
objective behind this approach is to suppress the spread of contagious infections like
COVID-19, which is more prominent in the present age and has been hugely impacting
the world. The proposed design includes Arduino UNO, Infrared sensors, servo motor,
Water level sensors, LCD screen, and LEDs as its components. Arduino IDE plays a
significant role in controlling the whole setup associated with Proteus-8 Software. This
model is divided into three segments, the sanitization chamber, parking entry and
parking exit, which also count and display the number of vehicles entering and exiting
the parking lot on the LCD screen. In the sanitization chamber, the working of infrared
sensors and servo motors are interlinked and configured by the code logic. When the
vehicle arrives, the IR sensor senses it and allows the servo motor to eject the liquid
from the dispenser vessel to sanitize the vehicle completely. An LCD screen is also
employed to display the various percentage stages left in the sanitizing dispenser
vessel. In parking entry and exit, the Infrared sensors operate the entry and exit points.
LCD screens, along with LEDs of different colours, are also incorporated to indicate
the functioning of the whole process.<br>