Jeong Myung-Hwi, ,Kong Jeong-Ri,Kim Do-Hyun,Kim Hyeong-Jun,Kim Hae-Ji
The Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
Reference10 articles.
1. Aniket, C., Vivek, K, S., Anindya, D, S., Nilesh, P, G., Pritam., Chakraborty., Himadri, N, B. and Niloy, K., “Study of the Effect of Two Separate Tilt Angles of Laser Scanning Lines on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties in Direct Metal Laser Sintered AlSi10Mg Allo,” Metals and Materials International, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 250-268, 2022.
2. Kim, M. S., “Study on Tensile Properties of AlSi10Mg produced by Selective Laser Melting,” Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society, Vol. 19, No. 12, pp. 25-31, 2018.
3. Zhang, B., Li, L., and Anand, S., “Distortion Prediction and NURBS Based Geometry Compensation for Reducing Part Errors in Additive Manufacturing,” Procedia Manufacturing, Vol. 48, pp. 706-717, 2021.
4. Meng, L., Zhang, W., Quan, D., Shi, G., Tang, L., Hou, Y. and Gao, T., “From Topology Optimization Design to Additive Manufacturing: Today’s Success and Tomorrow’s Roadmap,” Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, Vol. 27, pp. 805-830, 2020.
5. Kim, H. J. and Kim, N. K., “Dimensional Characteristics according to Internal Density of Automotive Inner Ring in 3D Printing,” Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers, Vol. 18, No. 11, pp. 96-102, 2019.