1. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos
2. Centro de Investigación Transdisciplinar en Psicología
The educational attention of students with outstanding abilities, in the regular school, has become a great challenge for the Mexican educational system, therefore, the objective of this article is to review in different documentary sources, investigations carried out in Mexico during the period 2010- 2020 where the intervention programs or strategies aimed at this population are highlighted. To this end, the design of this research is descriptive with a search of scientific literature that has included the period of time 2010-2020 in the Researchgate, Scielo, Scopus, Dialnet and Redalyc databases. In addition, the official information of the Secretariat of Public Education of Mexico (SEP) and a bibliographic review in national libraries have been considered. Once the previous objective has been achieved, it is expected that the teacher's knowledge of the educational intervention strategies and the intervention programs presented here will favor the design and implementation of curricular adjustments for the educational inclusion of students with high abilities in regular schools.
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