Application of Newton's law of cooling in production line


Herrera-Sánchez Gustavo1ORCID,Moran-Bravo Luz del Carmen1ORCID,Silva-Juárez Alejandro1ORCID,Gallardo-Navarro José Luis1ORCID


1. Universidad Tecnológica de Puebla


The objective of this study is to solve the problem of the packaging process when handling canned food. In the thermal process the sterilization of the food product is carried out in addition to the cooking, a thermal shock is created to eliminate 100% the microorganisms that can damage the product; in addition it must comply with the NOM-130-SSA1-1995, Goods and services. Food packed in hermetically sealed containers and subjected to heat treatment. The temperature of exit is of 75 ° C, not being pertinent for the handle of the finished product and in agreement with the internal specification of the company, the temperature for the handle and packaging must be of 40 ° C. The methodology used is Newton's Law of Cooling for heat transfer, which states that the rate of heat exchange between an object and its environment is proportional to the temperature difference between the object and the environment. The differential equation is solved and the results obtained are validated with tests in the production line. The main contribution is that science is applied to solve a problem in a production line.




Organic Chemistry,Biochemistry

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