1. Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Jiménez
Integral training in university degree allows the full development of the potential of the human being; In addition to academics, personal growth must be cultivated, including culture and environmental care. So teachers should conceive learning activities that promote this development. The experience of an educational intervention that promotes the generation of labor competencies using a cultural project, intertwining the subjects of economics, sustainable development and metrology and standardization, based on investigation into the learning styles of university students of Industrial engineering, they presents a preference to the theoretical style, followed by active and pragmatic, so a didactic strategy was carried out that promoted the care of the environment, the traditions of the day of the dead, teamwork, cost analysis, the measurement of the structures linking the theoretical, practical and attitudinal learning, with the production of a Calaca whit reuse material that had bone proportions according to its dimensions. The participation of the students in the cultural event with their proposals of Catrinas showed their competences of the subjects.
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